Sunday, July 19, 2009

Motoroil pricing in Brunei

Non standard pricing of Shell Motor oil in Brunei.

Rimulax (fully synthetic) for diesel

Tasmin Sengkurong - BND71.50=>BN68 (L) after discount
Shop at Gadong - BND76
Stesen minyak Tanjong Nangka - BND71
Stesen minyak Telisai - BND63
Stesen minyak Keriam - BND60(L), NA(S) - so far the cheapest
Stesen minyak Kiarong (TAIB) - BND71 => BND66 (L) after discount

Helix (fully synthetic) for non-diesel

Tasmin Sengkurong - BND69
Shop at Gadong - BNDxx
Stesen minyak Tanjong Nangka - BNDxx
Stesen minyak Telisai - BNDxx
Stesen minyak Keriam - BND59 (L), BND18 (S)
Stesen minyak Kiarong (TAIB) - BNDxx

Servicing done at N-Tasmin Sengkurong
Location of the shop

First service after overhaul -- 247,500 km

BT9996 - Nissan patrol aircond - Servicing at Alex Aircond Shop at Gadong (Siring Kdai Gincu)

Aircon Nissan Patrol - Servicing at Alex Aircon shop at Gadong
19th July 2009: Problem with the aircon - when switch on, initially cold but in a while started to become warm. Technician confirmed there is no leak in the system - recommend to do service, replace front and back actuators and replace dryer. This is the second Nissan patrol that he serviced which shows similar problem.

Location of the shop in Gadong - Alex's shop siring kdai c-Gincu

via google map -

Some pictures during the servicing

Cost B$360

Saturday, July 11, 2009

BT9996 - replacement Nissan stock to Ironman suspension system at Wheeler Mengalait

Suspension system: Shock absorber + spring + steering damper

Recommendation from several close family and friends - Ironman brand at Wheeler Spare part in Mengalait, Brunei.
Took us nearly 1 hour trying to find the place -- we drove by in-front of the shop 3 times and did not notice the shop - the signboard atu luan small, already ku mentioned to Sean - ketawa saja ia.

Location of shop

via google:

Picture of shock absorber

further information about the products:
shock absorber

Front Suspension:
Foam Cell - Part Number: 24091FE
Coil Spring Performance - Part Number: NISS009C

steering damper
Foam Cell Pre 2/2000 - Part Number:3511

Rear suspension
Foam Cell - Part Number: 24094FE
Coil Spring Performance - Part Number: NISS010C

Cost (BND2,150)